The Decision Board Simulator has been used in numerous studies of political decision making. The following is a partial list:
- Astorino-Courtois, Allison. 1998. "The Effects of Task Salience and Threat on Foreign Policy Decision Making" Political Psychology 2000.
- Carnes, Amy E. 1995. "An Experimental Test of the Poliheuristic Theory of Foreign Policy Decision Making Using Military Leaders." M.A. Thesis. Texas A&M University.
- Geva, Nehemia, Russell D. Driggers, and Alex Mintz. 1996. "Effects of Ambiguity on Strategy and Choice in Foreign Policy Decision Making: An Analysis Using Computerized Process Tracing." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Peace Science Society (International), Houston, Texas, October 25-27.
- Geva, Nehemia, Steven B. Redd, and Alex Mintz. 1996. "Structure and Process in Foreign Policy Decision Making: An Experimental Assessment of Poliheuristic Propositions." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, San Diego, California, April 16-20.
- Mintz, Alex, and Nehemia Geva. 1997. "The Poliheuristic Theory of Foreign Policy Decisionmaking." In Decisionmaking on War and Peace: The Cognitive-Rational Debate, ed. Nehemia Geva and Alex Mintz. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner.
- Mintz, Alex, Nehemia Geva, and Steven B. Redd. 1994. "Testing the Poliheuristic theory of Decision with Evolving Choice Sets." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Peace Science Society (International), Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, November 3-5.
- Mintz, Alex, Nehemia Geva, Steven B. Redd, and Amy Carnes. 1997. "The Effect of Dynamic and Static Choice Sets on Political Decision Making: An Analysis Using the Decision Board Platform." American Political Science Review 91 (September):553-66.
- Quisenberry, Jacob. 1998. Testing Expected Utility vs. Poliheuristic Theories of Decision Using the Decision Board Simulator. Honors Thesis. Texas A&M University.
- Redd, Steven B. 2000. "Linking Choice to Decision Processes: Utilizing Process Tracing Methods in Foreign Policy Analysis." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, Massachusetts, September 3-6.
- Redd, Steven B. 1999. "Foreign Policy Decision Making in an Advisory Group Setting: Using Process Tracing Methods in Linking Choice to Decision Processes." Ph.D. Dissertation. Texas A&M University.
- Taylor-Robinson, Michelle, and Michelle Chin. 1999. "Assessing the Impact of Advertising, Credit-Claiming and Position Taking on Incumbent Reelection Chances: How Electoral Systems Affect Vote Choice." Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Savannah, Georgia, November 3-7.
The Decision Board Simulator has also been utilized in academic courses.
- Introduction to World Politics
- Contemporary Issues in American Foreign Policy
- Issues in World Politics
- National Security Policy
- Decision Making
- International Politics
- Theory and Method in International Relations
- Seminar in Foreign and Security Policy